Citation - Boston News Letter: 1770.03.22

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Index Entry Bell, in Savannah, rung at Orphan House, for worship, then dinner 
Location Savannah 
22 Mar 1770:31 (3468)
Copy of a letter sent to England from Savannah in Georgia.   
 Savannah, Monday , January 29, 1770.  [Approximately l full
column is taken up with a description of a worship service
at the Orphan House Academy, with the Governor of Georgia
and the Commons house of Assembly of that province in
attendance.  A few items of musical interest are quoted
Between eleven & twelve the bell rung for public worship. .
   The singing was harmonious and striking and I must own I
was particularly affected when at the chapel door the
orphans, officers, and domestics broke into ranks on the
right hand and the left and as his Excellency with his train
went up the chapel stairs concluded with
  Live by heaven and earth ador'd, 
  Three in one and one in three, 
  Holy! holy! holy! Lord!
  All glory be to Thee. . .
Sermon ended, all removed in the same manner as they came:
the clerk, orphans, etc., singing as they walked
  This God is the God we adore, 
  Our faithful unchangeable Friend,
  Whose love is as large as His power,
  And neither knows measure nor end.
[4 lines of poetry follow.] . . .
In about half an hour the bell rung for dinner. . . 

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1770.03.22 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0010211
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